Contact Us

We always appreciate hearing from you, whether it’s with a question about our programmes or feedback for our website.
Staying at Ronald McDonald House®

RMHC® New Zealand is a charity and could not be here for families without the generous support from the community at large. If you would like to make a donation, please click here. Thank you!

Enquiry Form
If you would like more information about RMHC New Zealand, our mission and our projects, feel free to contact us directly or fill in the form below:
House queries

P: 09 365 8300
E: [email protected]

P: 04 389 5505
E: [email protected]

P: 03 377 3311
E:  [email protected]

Fundraising queries

P: 09 365 8315
M: 027 491 7841
E: [email protected]

Media queries

M: 021 998 414
E: [email protected]

Family Retreat queries

P: 0800 112 282
P: 09 365 8300
E: [email protected]

National Support Office Address

Ronald McDonald House Charities New Zealand
Ground Floor
83 Grafton Road
Grafton, Auckland 1010

Phone: 0800 764 269 (monitored during business hours)

Postal Address

Ronald McDonald House Charities New Zealand
PO Box 110119
Auckland Hospital
Auckland 1148
