Group Volunteering Wellington

Group Volunteering Wellington

Our group volunteers play a significant role in helping to create a ‘home-away-from-home’ for families. In Wellington we have a range of opportunities available. This option booklet includes detailed information about all the activities as well as FAQs.
Family Dinner Nights (Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3.00pm – 8.00pm
A rewarding team volunteering experience – you’ll be cooking dinner for 50+ people – so expect a fast-paced afternoon. Your team will cook, serve dinner, and clean up whilst getting to interact with families and have dinner yourselves. Suitable for groups of 6-8 people. RMHC organises the menu and ingredients so all you need to do is turn up on the day ready to cook! There is a cost associated with this activity. Please refer to the options booklet for more details.

Please note: Any Family Dinner booking cancelled within 48 hours of your confirmed date will be forfeited and non-refundable. Ingredients will already have been purchased, and meals will need to be provided to families.
Baking (Fortnightly Wednesdays, 10.30am – 2.30pm)
Get a group together to come along and bake treats for our families. Bring along some recipes and the ingredients (we will provide the basics) and a spirit for sharing the love and cook up at storm in our volunteer kitchen. Suitable for groups of 4-8 people. There is no cost associated with this activity.
Working Bees (Wednesdays as needed, 10.30am – 2.30pm)
If you’re up for anything that will be helpful to the families, this is the option for you. Your activity will be determined the week you volunteer based on needs in the House. From cleaning to organising kitchens, gardening, or washing vehicles, and helping with fundraising event preparations. Suitable for groups of 4-8 people. There is no cost associated with this activity.
Sign Up Here
Youth Council Dinner Night
Volunteering Wellington
Volunteering Wellington Working Bee