Our Volunteers play a crucial part in what we do.

Volunteer at RMHC New Zealand

Our Volunteers are instrumental in providing support to staff and more importantly to the families staying at Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald House Family Room® programmes in New Zealand.

Volunteering in Auckland

The Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald Family Room® programmes in Auckland provide accommodation to almost 100 families each night. You can support those families through individual or group volunteering.
Individual volunteeringGroup volunteering

Volunteering in Wellington

The Ronald McDonald House® and Ronald McDonald Family Room® programmes in Wellington support a range of families each night who are away from home due to medical treatment.
Individual volunteeringGroup volunteering

Volunteering in Christchurch

Volunteers are the backbone of Ronald McDonald House South Island’s Christchurch House and Southland Hospital Family Room as we simply couldn’t provide our services without them.
Individual volunteeringGroup volunteering