Our Team

Dr Liza Edmonds (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua)

Liza is a Māori Neonatal Paediatrician and Senior Clinical Lecturer at Kōhatu Center for Hauora Māori and Dunedin School of Medicine at the University of Otago. Clinically she works for Te Whatu Ora Southern in Dunedin. Liza has worked in roles within the Southern rōhe, including clinical Neonatology, General Paediatrics and research in perinatal health and wellbeing. She is the mother of 3 teenagers and married to a tane from Oamaru and enjoys being part of her wider whānau and community.

Liza passionately cares for whānau with health needs and supports RMHC NZ in their efforts to support whānau during their health care journeys no matter where they come from.
